Blum on Formosa Betrayed

 "My, how could you bear to carry that story around in your bosom for all these years? Didn’t it fester? Oh, I know. You were probably wise to wait; time has enabled you to control your emotions and to tell the story with greater coherence, greater clarity and – possibly – greater objectivity. Anyway, you had to wait these twenty years – and I can see why. But how you must have suffered, and squirmed, at times, during that interval. For – clearly – the account had to be published, and you were the only one who could do so. . . . Yes, keep striking while the iron is hot. Do get the rest of the story told while you have the world by the ear, not only for the sake of those poor people back there on their little island, but for your own peace of mind, for the peace of your own soul."


022466 Feb. 24, 1966

From Blum to Kerr