
The Office of War Information and Book Publishers in WWII



スタンフォードー東京大学 アメリカン・スタディーズ・セミナーの実行委員会、その後、スタンフォードの東京センター発足時の中心人物となり、アメリカ・カナダ大学連合日本研究センターに勤務、教授、副所長。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AB%98%E6%9…

U. of Michigan, Robert B. Hall

Robert B. Hall | Faculty History Project

U. of Michigan, Robert B. Hall

Robert B. Hall | Faculty History Project



Yukio MIshima in Michigan Daily, July 18, 1957

http://durian-pop.tumblr.com/post/115709354188/yukio-mishima-in-michigan-daily-july-18-1957 durian-pop.tumblr.com



Spender's Lives

After the war, Spender joined UNESCO as Counsellor to the Section of Letters, and this marked an new phase of his celebrity: a twenty-year-long stint as a kind of globe-trotting cultural emissary. The postwar years were good years in which…

ソヴェートロシア 漫画ポスター集

昇曙夢編 南蠻書房 序 十月革命後、ソヴェート・ロシヤに於て漫画とポスターとが少なからざる役割を演じ、以上な発達を遂げたことは世人の等しく認むるところである。中でも革命ポスターと政治及び風俗漫画とは、既にそれだけでもプロレタリヤ革命の最も貴重…

アメリカ研究振興会 Goheenのスピーチ

アメリカ研究振興会 1972年にGoheen がここでスピーチしてる。

When the U.S. Government Tried to Fight Communism With Buddhism


“Quiet Americans in India”: The CIA and the Politics of Intelligence in Cold War South Asia


The Asia Foundation's Motion-Picture Project and the Cultural Cold War in Asia

"Drawing on archival materials from the Asia Foundation records at the Hoover Institution Archives and the Robert Blum Papers at Yale University Library, this article focuses on the origins and development of the Federation of Motion Pictu…

元田脩一 American Studies Seminar

元田脩一 - Wikipedia

九州大学 英文科 歴史



http://www.junposha.com/library/pdf/60112_01.pdf encounterがもともとアジアをメインの市場として想定していたらしい、というあたりをいじっていて、ここに。

Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies


Stanford Center at NTU archive

國際華語研習所史料 ICLP Historical Records

Stanford Center at NTU archive

國際華語研習所史料 ICLP Historical Records

Blum on Formosa Betrayed

"My, how could you bear to carry that story around in your bosom for all these years? Didn’t it fester? Oh, I know. You were probably wise to wait; time has enabled you to control your emotions and to tell the story with greater coherence,…

PEN All-India Archives & research project

"the entanglements and connections between the International Committee for Cultural Freedom and the PEN; the continuities between the Freedom struggle and issues of free speech and cultural freedom after Independence; the cultural Cold War…

Freie Universitat Berlin JFK Institute

JFK Institute: 50 Years • John F. Kennedy at Freie Universität Berlin • Freie Universität Berlin

Pere David's deer or 四不像

Père David's deer - Wikipedia

Hagenbeck and Ueno Zoo

Carl Hagenbeck - Wikipedia

Mom and Korean carrots

James Mitchener and Hokusai


The Politics of art for art's sake in Filipino poetry in English

Authoring autonomy: The politics of art for art's sake in Filipino poetry in English - ProQuest

How the Cold Wars saved Marvel


Stalin as Puck

Cartoons about the Cold War from Punch | PUNCH Magazine Cartoon Archive

Romanoff and Juliet
